Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One Year...

It's one year today that Jillian has been diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. What a year it has been-it hardly seems like a year. I know I have said it before, and I will probably repeat myself a thousand times, but I am in awe of my daughter. 4 Daily blood sugar checks, sometimes a 5th one in the middle of the night; 2 injections every morning and sometimes one before lunch and/or dinner. All this and she is still one of the happiest 2 year olds I have ever known.

She'll push the plunger on her syringe now, once inserted into her skin, to inject her insulin and she'll also do the same on her lancing device to check her sugar. She is amazing.

**Jillian, we love you so much. We are so proud of you. Your strength and courage, happiness and smiles keep us going day in and day out**

Thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support. You have no idea how much it all means to us.

**Tyler, you are the best big brother any little girl could dream of. Your devotion and love for your sister is inspiring. You are also the best son any mom and dad could ask for. We love you!!**

Buddy and I had no idea the outpouring of love we would receive for the walk this year. We are humbled and so, so thankful for everyone's support with donating &/or walking with us. The walk this year was the first of many...and hope it brought us that much closer to a cure.

Jillian and her Daddy, Mommy and bubba Tyler, are so blessed to have all of you in our lives.

We love you all!!

God Bless!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Misc/Tyler's room

While Tyler was away in Orlando, with his FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) group, at state competition, we re-did his bedroom as an early birthday present. These are just some misc pics taken. The last pic is Jilli turning his head to see his new t.v. She was very excited for him.

Easter Fun