Friday, January 30, 2009

Rockin' for Research...

is the theme for this years JDRF Walk for a Cure!!

Only 6 more weeks to go. The walk is Saturday, March 14th at Ft Desoto Park. In the words of Aerosmith, "Walk this way" starting at 9:00AM.
There is still plenty of time to donate and to register to walk.
Visit and locate "Team Jilli-bean" under the "Walk to Cure Diabetes" Walk Central.
Or you can also visit our fundraising page at:

Help JDRF, and Team Jilli-bean, find a cure for diabetes!!!
Type 1 diabetes is a disease which strikes children suddenly and requires multiple injections of insulin daily or a continuous infusion of insulin through a pump. By supporting JDRF's mission to find a cure you won't only be saving children, you will be saving childhoods.

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